How to use Sync blocks

Sync Blocks

Sync Blocks enable you to seamlessly connect and showcase your social media content on your Zaap page.

By using Sync Blocks, you can effortlessly integrate your latest Posts, TikTok videos, and YouTube videos directly into your Zaap page, allowing you to display your social media updates in real time.

⚠️ Pro users are able to add sync blocks to their Zaap page.

Table of Contents

1. YouTube Sync Block

2. Blog Posts Sync Block

3. TikTok Sync Block

YouTube Sync Block

The YouTube Sync Block allows you to display your YouTube videos directly on your Zaap page.

This block enables real-time synchronization, ensuring that any updates or new videos you publish on your YouTube channel are automatically reflected on your Zaap page.

Add Youtube sync block

Step 1: Click on "Add block" from the Page menu

This will open up the Blocks Library, where you can explore and select various blocks to add to your Zaap page.

Step 2: Choose the 'YouTube Sync' Block

Scroll through the blocks library and select the "YouTube Sync" block. This block is specifically designed to sync your latest videos.

Step 3: Configure YouTube sync block

After adding the YouTube Sync block to your page, a settings panel will be displayed where you can enter the required information such as Title, Channel URL and Number of video should be displayed on the page

You can use either the Channel ID or Channel Tag for the YouTube channel URL

Note: When configuring the YouTube Sync Block, please make sure to enter your Channel URL instead of a specific video URL.

After configuring the YouTube Sync block, make sure to click on the "Save Changes" button. By doing so, the YouTube block will be added to your page and become visible to your audience.

Blog Posts Sync block

The Blog Posts Sync Block allows you to showcase your latest blog posts directly on your Zaap page.

This block enables real-time synchronization, ensuring that any new blogs you post on your Zaap account will automatically appear on your Zaap page.

Add Blog Posts sync block

Step 1: Click on "Add block" from the Page menu

This will open up the Blocks Library, where you can explore and select various blocks to add to your Zaap page.

Step 2: Choose the 'Blog Posts Sync' Block

Scroll through the blocks library and select the "Blog Posts Sync" block. This block is specifically designed to sync your latest blogs.

Step 3: Configure Blog Posts sync block

After adding the Blog Posts Sync block to your page, a settings panel will be displayed where you can enter the required information such as Title and Number of posts should be displayed on the page

After entering details in the Blog Posts Sync block, make sure to click on the "Save Changes" button. By doing so, the Blog Posts block will be added to your page and become visible to your audience.

TikTok Sync block

The Tiktok Sync Block allows you to showcase your latest tiktok videos directly on your Zaap page.

This block enables real-time synchronization, ensuring that any new videos you post on your Tiktok account will automatically appear on your Zaap page.

Add Tiktok sync block

Step 1: Click on "Add block" from the Page menu

This will open up the Blocks Library, where you can explore and select various blocks to add to your Zaap page.

Step 2: Choose the 'TikTok Sync' Block

Scroll through the blocks library and select the "TikTok Sync" block. This block is specifically designed to sync your latest tweets.

Step 3: Configure TikTok sync block

After adding the TikTok Sync block to your page, a settings panel will be displayed where you can enter the required information such as Title and Number of Videos should be displayed on the page

After entering details in the Tiktok Sync block, make sure to click on the "Save Changes" button.

Step 4: Authorize ZaapHQ to access your account

Once you have finished configuring the Tiktok Sync block, you will be directed to the Tiktok login page.

From there, you can securely log in to your Tiktok account to authorize the connection between Zaap and your Tiktok profile.

This authentication step ensures that your latest videos can be seamlessly displayed on your Zaap page.

After authorizing Zaap to access your Tiktok account, you will be redirected back to your Zaap dashboard.

At this point, the Tiktok block will be automatically added to your page and become visible to your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I sync multiple Tiktok accounts to my Zaap page?

Answer: Yes, you can sync multiple TikTok accounts to your Zaap page

2. How frequently does Sync Blocks update the content on my Zaap page?

Answer: Sync Blocks update the content on your Zaap page every 12 hours.

This means that any new TikToks, or YouTube videos you post or publish will be automatically refreshed and displayed on your Zaap page every 12 hours

3. What will happen if I cancel my Pro subscription?

Answer: If you cancel your Pro subscription, the Sync Blocks feature will no longer be available to you.

As a result, the Sync Blocks, including the Blogs, TikTok, and YouTube blocks, will be automatically removed from your Zaap page

4. What is the maximum number of content shows in all sync blocks?

Answer: There is no maximum limit to the number of content displayed in Sync Blocks.

You can showcase as many blogs, TikTok videos, or YouTube videos as you want on your Zaap page using the respective Sync Blocks

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